
Can't Knock It

Hello, Wirey blogger friends. Humbly, I ask you to let me join your fraternity of all things Game-related. While I can't promise as searing commentary as I have read from you these last couple of days, I will attempt in my own small way to contribute to the discussion.

As for how my invtiation to this group was procured, suffice it to say, I learned a thing or two from our boy Clay Davis: Sheeee-it, it's all about the hustle. More on "Took" (Episode 57) later (I hesitate to go into it now, mainly, because I imagine you guys aren't like me, waiting till the stroke of midnight, remote in hand, each Sunday evening, to watch the show On Demand...)

1 comment:

Victor9000 said...

Welcome, sir. And nice find on the T-shirt - the model looks properly cynical. Fire away on "Took" if you like, I'm on that later today.